SNH Meetup Slides 11

SNH Meetup Slides 11

Documenting my game development

C++ Computer Game Godot

I've posted my project AGWAN progress slides, as presented to the SNH Game Developer's meetup on August 15, 2024.

While most of my development has been dedicated to functionality I did not present, there was some tooling that I did show.

The new tooling includes two editors: a tree-menu editor and a category editor.

The tree-menu editor uses a tree dialog to organize hierarchical data. The editor enables me to edit and preview the menu, including icons. Edit-field values are constrained to those existing in a linked category table. These values are used to identify the active tool menu-item in the game scripts.

The category table includes a category code, item code, name, and unique key. The name fields are used to populate the enumerated edit fields in the tree editor. The key is used to generate a constant for use in Godot to identify that menu-item. These constants are written to a GDScript that is used by the Godot editor for code completion.

Both trees and categories are saved to a database, and are retrieved by name.

Tooling Tree Menu Editor Tooling Category Editor

The progress slides can be viewed in the game project section of this site, August 15, 2024 Slides.

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